Blue Corn & Why

WHY & Blue Corn

What does Blue Corn have to do with your personal “WHY”?

Laura Robinson

William Sommers

While looking for a visual to explain the ‘iceberg model’ this image appeared.

Our WHY might be hidden from view but it is what grounds us.  It is foundational to ‘how’ and ‘what’ we do.  When facing problems, working in collaboration with others, and feeling connected to our goals, WHY provides deep values to guide us.

Once our WHY is known and accepted, there is a better understanding of how people display our gifts and talents.  It helps define HOW we work.  Once our WHY is understood, the behaviors and actions of HOW become clearer to ourselves and others.  These actions produce the WHAT.  People see the ‘WHAT’ because those are observable results.

The HOW actions are visible but generally not understood unless our partners, work groups, and supervisors know the WHY supporting those actions.  Once people in the group know other people’s ‘WHY and HOW,’ they better understand the internal motivators.  When supervisors know the ‘WHY’ and ‘HOW’ they can better leverage the strengths of the individual.

As the authors looked at this ‘iceberg model’ it reminded Laura of Blue Corn.









“This variety of corn is easier to digest than its yellow counterpart, as it has less indigestible starch. It also has about 20% more protein than yellow corn and a lower glycemic index. This means less sugar spikes and crashes. Anthocyanins found in blue corn contain antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties.”

Knowing our personal WHY, and the WHY of others, make working easier to determine who is the best fit with what the group is trying to accomplish.  Blue Corn and our WHY increase our fuel (protein), to feel better, and contribute at high levels.  Blue Corn and HOW creates more focused progress toward goals without the spikes and crashes that projects sometimes experience.  Blue Corn and our WHAT has less starch, giving us more flexibility, which could have more positive long-term effects.

For more information about finding your own WHY, feel free to contact Bill at  Please put WHY in the subject line.


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