We are an evolving group of educators who have come together to learn from a diverse group of gifted, interesting, and sometimes provocative, learned people in the world. We’ve learned from the likes of Edgar Schein, Peter Block, Richard Sheridan, Stan Slap, and poet David Whyte; provocative educators David Berliner, Gene Glass, and Yong Zhao; linguist George Lakoff; and researchers and professors Carol Dweck, Andy Hargreaves, Art Costa Bena Kallick, Jon Saphier, Yong Zhao, and Tony Wagner.
We are about learning and exploring ideas to understand more deeply the institutions of education. We are also intrigued by the processes individuals experience while learning. Our blog is about current issues around learning. We offer reviews of books we’re reading. And we focus on “New Rules”– the changes in attitude and behavior we educators must exhibit to survive in our world of surprising changes.
(Read our new rules before they disappear. We only publish the most recent for a few months.)
Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers People Do! Why? By William Sommers Emotional stress, among other factors, contributes to our physical and mental health. Robert Sapolsky wrote the book, Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, in the late 90s. As a brain researcher, he researched the effects of negative stress. For the record […]
This post below appeared on our website January 11, 2010 https://learningomnivores.com/rules/be-aware-of-bullies-and-bystanders-demonstrate-bravery/ The premise was that bullies, unless confronted, will continue their intimidation. Additionally, bystanders can increase the pressure by not supporting the person being bullied. Of course, the person being bullied and the bystanders must decide whether it is physically […]
“Change almost never fails because it’s too early. It almost always fails because it’s too late.” Seth Godin Michael Ayers, retired 3M leadership trainer, told me years ago, ‘if people do not believe change is possible, new ideas most likely will fail.’ It is as true today as it was […]