Insights and Influence
INSIGHTS & INFLUENCE WORKSHOP Dan Heath Dec 13-14, 2021 Raleigh, NC What Bill thought were Highlights “If a system never learns it never improves.” When there is no systemic problem solving with individuals or organizations, tunneling occurs, e.g., narrowing of your focus to what you know or has worked […]
LADDERING: FIND SOMEONE WHO HAS SOLVED YOUR PROBLEM Excerpt from Decisive (2013) by Chip Heath and Dan Heath Kevin Dunbar set out to understand how scientists think. How do they solve problems? Where do their breakthroughs come from? So, like a war reporter embedding himself with an army unit, Dunbar […]
You Can’t Give What You Don’t Have: Nov. 30 Webinar
Although last year became known as “the year like no other,” this year seems to be even more challenging! Navigating the daily ups and downs of COVID-19, economic cause and effect fallout from the pandemic, and the constant barrage of misinformation and attacks across the political landscape are all taking […]
Sommers to Lead SouthWest Metro Administration and Leadership Cohort Series
Calling All Administrators and Leaders! It is time to come together to learn more about being a leader within your school and district. Learning Omnivores’ Dr. Bill Sommers will lead the SouthWest Metro Administration and Leadership Cohort Series, “From Compliance Cop to Culture Coach,” beginning Dec. 8, 2021. The online […]
Creating Talent Density Available from Rowman & Littlefield
The more talent a school has, the more students will learn. Creating Talent Density, a new book by Bill Sommers, includes 25 strategies to assess the talent, willingness and abilities of school team members to become exceptional educators. To learn more about this guide and how to order a copy, […]
Learning Omnivores’ Bill Sommers at Region 13 Coaching Conference
Bill Somers will present “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” on July 20, 2021, at Region 13’s Instructional Coaching Conference. Bill’s presentation will discuss the factors that lead to staff change: focusing on clear goals and follow-up conversation. Key is increasing the talent density of your school or […]
Goodbye Dear Friend
Most of you know that Skip Olsen was my best buddy and partner in our Learning Ominvore get togethers. He was the man behind the scenes, never taking credit for his hard work. I am sad to tell you he passed away on Friday, January 1st. I want to take […]
CHaD: Courage, Humility, & Discipline
Here is the link to understand the basic requirements to work with Bill. Leaders must be able to: Possess the courage to look at situations, data, and feedback honestly Have the humility to listen and learn from multiple sources Discipline to follow through with plans which are co-developed Please click […]
Thank You John Lewis
As I reflect on losing Elijah Cummings and now John Lewis, I am sad that leadership and voice may be diminished. I am grateful for their contributions to the values, commitment, and actions to move our country toward the ideals of the constitution written over two hundred years ago. When […]
Beware of Cats in the Dog House
Teachers Matter Magazine published my article on Dogs and Cats. It is a metaphor I heard Michael Grinder use in the 90s. Kids are not animals but the attributes fit. Most of us were taught to teach dog-like behavior. The cat-like behavior is increasing at a high rate. Start learning […]