Driving in a Blizzard

(Surviving Chaos) I had two meetings scheduled on March 5th and then fly home to Austin, TX.  March 4th, the night before, snow started falling. By  morning 7” of snow on the ground, winds of 30+ mph, and roads covered. Blizzard conditions.  (fortunately I lived in MN for 40 years […]


Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers

Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers People Do! Why? By William Sommers Emotional stress, among other factors, contributes to our physical and mental health. Robert Sapolsky wrote the book, Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, in the late 90s. As a brain researcher, he researched the effects of negative stress.  For the record […]


Bullies and Bystanders or Bravery-Redux

This post below appeared on our website January 11, 2010 https://learningomnivores.com/rules/be-aware-of-bullies-and-bystanders-demonstrate-bravery/  The premise was that bullies, unless confronted, will continue their intimidation.  Additionally, bystanders can increase the pressure by not supporting the person being bullied. Of course, the person being bullied and the bystanders must decide whether it is physically […]


Choose Chains or Change

“Change almost never fails because it’s too early. It almost always fails because it’s too late.” Seth Godin Michael Ayers, retired 3M leadership trainer, told me years ago, ‘if people do not believe change is possible, new ideas most likely will fail.’  It is as true today as it was […]


Surviving Chaos

If you want to see chaos, watch a hurricane and the results when it comes ashore.  2025 promises to be more chaotic as funding, privatization, political battles, standards, etc. become unresolved issues that can and will affect school classrooms, sites, and districts. How will leaders help educators navigate the winds […]


Keeping Hope Alive

Doom Loop or HOPE: Your Choice “Never deprive someone of hope. It may be all [they] has”. Jackson Brown This is an adaptation of a New Rule written a few years ago.  See https://learningomnivores.com/rules/doom-loop-or-hope-your-choice/ for the original post. These are very difficult times. Political differences, health issues, financial problems, and […]


My Next Giant: Frank Wagner

“When the student is ready the teacher will appear” Tao Te Ching This has never been truer than in my life…being blessed by GIANTS who show up at just the right time! Nearly ten years ago, I read a book by Marshall Goldsmith titled, ‘What Got You Here Won’t Get […]


Giant: Barbara McAfee

“if I have seen further [than others], it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” 1675 letter by Isaac Newton: I met Barbara at Mt. Madonna school in California where Skip Olsen and  I attended a workshop with two of my other giants Peter Block and Angeles Arrien. Barbara was […]


Giant: Richard Sheridan

“if I have seen further [than others], it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” 1675 letter by Isaac Newton: Note:  I will reference Sheridan’s two books, italicize direct quotes, and add my experiences.  I recommend you get both books.  There are many more ideas, stories, and practical applications than […]


Giant: Diane Zimmerman

Giant: Diane Zimmerman “if I have seen further [than others], it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” 1675 letter by Isaac Newton: I met Diane in person at a Cognitive Coaching Advanced Training in Lake Tahoe, NV in the 80s.  I had seen her on video tapes coaching teachers […]