Disrupting the Teacher Opportunity Gap

Disrupting the Teacher Opportunity Gap by Jon Saphier A Book for Educational Leaders This is a book about the complicated and multi-faceted work of improving teaching expertise, because the expertise of individual teachers is the most powerful variable we have – by far — for improving student results. So what […]


Stan Slap Presents

Learning Omnivores is Re-Igniting and Re-Uniting our Learning Opportunities with Stan Slap as our kick off presenter.  It promises to be thought provoking and informative. Contact Bill Sommers at sommersb4@gmail.com for questions. Cost:  $95.00 payable to William Sommers.  CEUs or BOSA renewal units for attending Register by Wednesday, February 7th.  […]


Responding to Resistance

Do you want to learn ways to deal with conflict.  I am doing a four, two-hour sessions for SWMetro288 on zoom, Tuesdays late February and early March.  You can’t control what happens to you many times.  You can learn effective response strategies to neutralize and/or change the outcomes.Bill Sommers PD-2 […]


Bill’s Next Top Ten

Bill’s Second Ten of Must Reads Wisdom of the Bullfrog – Admiral William McRaven Here are two quotes that really got my attention. “No Plan Survives First Contact with the Enemy.” “A Shepherd Should Smell Like His Sheep.” Pope Francis The book has many good ideas about teamwork, creativity, and […]


Top Ten Books – 2023

Bill’s Top Ten Books of 2023 “Leaders are Readers” Richard Sheridan Chief Joy Officer CAVEAT:  These books are in no particular order of preference.  They all have illuminated my thinking, added to my repertoire of strategies, and have helped me focus on what is important and preferable.  As a result […]


5 3 1 WHY Resilience Project

“It Is Not the Strongest of the Species that Survives but the Most Adaptable” Charles Darwin Objective The 5 3 1 WHY Resilience project was created to address concerns about student wellness. Students’ current environment includes a post-pandemic effect, increased use of drugs/vaping and alcohol, national suicide crisis, and in-school […]


Student & Principal: Habits of Mind

Reciprocal Learning Student & Principal The following essay is a conversation and comparison of three “Habits of Mind” between a high school student and a high school principal. High School Student My name is Matt Trussell, and I am finishing my junior year in high school. As a high school […]


New Book on Professional Development

Joellen Killion, Bill Sommers, and Ann Delehant share their current thinking, skills, and activities from years of experience.  Check it out.


Chris Coffey

Conversations with Chris A dear colleague has passed.  Morrie Schwartz in his book, ‘Tuesdays with Morrie,’ says ‘death ends a life, not a relationship.’ My learning has been expanded by learning with Chris.  As a co-developer of Stakeholder Centered Coaching with Marshall Goldsmith and Frank Wagner, he was a practitioner […]


Emotional Anorexia

Great administrators and teachers are emotionally intelligent and connect with their students and colleagues. They understand that positive relationships are the bedrock of successful schools. This can be emotionally draining, and if we do not replenish regularly, then it can lead to what presenter, Dr. William Sommers, calls “emotional anorexia.” […]