Giants Continue with Peter Block
“if I have seen further [than others], it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” 1675 letter by Isaac Newton: Early in my leadership career I read Peter’s Empowered Manager. Here is a graphic to determine whether those are low or high agreement and low or high in trust. It […]
Giants Continued: Jane Stevenson
“if I have seen further [than others], it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” 1675 letter by Isaac Newton: I have been blessed by being able to work with Jane three different times. As a member of the special services team, where I was principal, she and Barb Vallejo […]
Why are Talented People Leaving Education #2
Why are talented people leaving education? Part Two – How Can We Make It Better? William Sommers & Janice Bradley In our beginning article we reviewed the research and experience of ‘What’ educators must deal with and ‘Why’ this is an important issue to address. We learned that toxic leaders […]
Why are talented people leaving education?
Part One – What is going on? William Sommers & Janice Bradley There is an exodus of experienced teachers, leaders, and staff in education these days. According to Forbes Magazine (August 3, 2023), “While 46% of school leaders are considering calling it quits, that doesn’t mean all of them will.” […]
Elevating Leadership Part 2
Elevating Leadership William Sommers, PhD Director of Stakeholder Centered Coaching for Educators In Stakeholder Centered Coaching (SCC) to be successful requires three elements: (I call it CHaD) Courage – receive real feedback and data from real sources. Humility – a belief that the leader can increase their skill level and/or […]
Giants #10: Andy Hargreaves
Giant #10 Andy Hargreaves “if I have seen further [than others], it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” 1675 letter by Isaac Newton: I have been learning from Andy Hargreaves continually since I read Understanding Teacher Development, (1992). What caught my eye was this quote, “understand that developing teachers […]
Elevate Leadership
Elevate Leadership (Give ‘em EL’) What are you waiting for? William Sommers, PhD Director of Stakeholder Centered Coaching for Educators Leaders are leaving, political issues limit focusing on learning (staff and students), and coaching programs proliferate. More and more organizations, constrained by current year budgets, are engaging in coaching […]
Giants #9 -Suzanne Bailey
Giant #9 Suzanne Bailey “if I have seen further [than others], it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” 1675 letter by Isaac Newton: When I first joined National Staff Development Council in the 80s, at my first preconference was with Suzanne Bailey. What a gift! Suzanne, as a former […]
Giant #8: Jon Saphier
Giant #8: Jon Saphier “if I have seen further [than others], it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” 1675 letter by Isaac Newton: In the late 80s, Jon Saphier presented to our Cognitive Coaching group. We were at an ASCD convention where Art and Bob arranged for Jon to […]
Giant #7: Pat Wolfe
Giant #7 Pat Wolfe “if I have seen further [than others], it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” 1675 letter by Isaac Newton: In the early 90s, a former giant (Art Costa) introduced me to Pat Wolfe. Giants know other giants. Pat was learning and sharing information on […]