Giants Continued: Jane Stevenson

“if I have seen further [than others], it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

1675 letter by Isaac Newton:

I have been blessed by being able to work with Jane three different times.  As a member of the special services team, where I was principal, she and Barb Vallejo initiated a program for students to become advocates of their own learning.  The students developed efficacy and speaking up for their own needs with teachers.  The students and the community benefitted from these two teachers from actively coaching students to be more self-aware and self-directed.  What a gift they gave to students.  I was in awe of what the students  accomplished with Jane and Barb’s assistance.

The second time was when Jane was named as an assistant principal in a school where I became principal.  For the record, Jane was there a year before me. Observing Jane facilitate meetings with staff, increase professional development, and demonstrate effective leadership in a large high school was amazing.  Her personality and skills gained trust instantly and focused on students’ learning was evident from the start.  Again, students and staff benefitted from her ability and humanity in setting a positive culture.

Third, I got to a different high school first.  When an assistant principal retired, Jane applied and, of course, got the position.  Unleashing talent of the existing staff was the goal.  We were able to make positive things happen with the staff which directly affected the students.  The culture changed.  Leadership meetings became more focused, staff developed trust, and learning became the central goal because of Jane.  When I left the third school Jane became principal.

I listen to feedback from those I trust, and Jane is at the top of the list.  AND, I admit, I don’t take the advice even when it is correct.  That is my character defect. Here are a few of her comments to me:  (On reflection, I wish I had been better at taking her advice)

  • How long are you going to be mad about this? Jane knew I reacted emotionally first and want to get into action. (Yes, my impulsiveness has a plus and a negative side)
  • You have to sit here and promise me you won’t move for three minutes after I tell you something. (She knew a pause would increase the chance I would react better than jumping into action).
  • You have to find a way to deal with this. (She knew may creative thinking has an upside. I learned as a bartender there is no system that can’t be beat)
  • I have learned a great deal from you as a learner. (She always noticed I was never satisfied with status quo. Add Repertoire, you never know when you need more ideas to solve messy problems)
  • You have to quit going on vacation.  You come up with lots of ideas and I have to implement them. (She was kidding me of course. When I relax and time to think my mind continues to reflect back and plan forward)
  • How will this affect the student? (Jane always, yes always kept the focus on students and staff. Her commitment was ever present)

Jane connected me with Jim Knight, the instructional coaching author and trainer.  This connection has been helpful to me as I continue to learn from Jim and the great experts he hosts at his annual conference.  Jim is always reading new literature which keeps him on current topics.

My regret is I didn’t stay in one of three positions to continue working with Jane.  I would have continued to get better with Jane’s superior skillset, guidance, and support

Mahalo Jane, for helping me become a better leader and human being. You have been a giant for my learning even when I didn’t follow your suggestions.  I am grateful for your patience with me and your friendship.