Elevate Leadership

Elevate Leadership

(Give ‘em EL’)

What are you waiting for?

William Sommers, PhD

Director of Stakeholder Centered Coaching for Educators


Leaders are leaving, political issues limit focusing on learning (staff and students), and coaching programs proliferate. More and more organizations, constrained by current year budgets, are engaging in coaching in a pay-for-results approach which incurs no costs until the co-workers around the leader have confirmed measurable improvement. This is the most important behavioral goal.

If you are a supervisor/leader at the district or site level, what is it worth to you to develop other leaders?  How much is the time saved by having more effective leadership from your direct reports and peers?

Is this a promotional gimmick or is there some hidden value in this approach? Why do companies choose “no growth, no pay?” Learn about a process that will guarantee results or no fees will be invoiced. Stakeholder Centered Coaching (SCC) is based on Marshall Goldsmith’s book, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There. The data shows that based on over 10,000 leaders in business, there is a 95% success rate.  For over 5 years working with educational leaders at districts and sites, our data shows a 90% success rate when the leader has courage, humility, and discipline to follow through.

If you prefer to pay upfront instead, take the prepay discount. Your benefit? You proceed in the confidence knowing your coach is willing to bet his/her paycheck on the success of your leader to achieve measurable leadership growth on his/her most important behavioral growth goal.

Often coaching takes place behind closed doors without objectives which are transparent to the organization. Sometimes coaching is a private process, and, at times, this is necessary.  Based on our experience coaching with SCC process, the results are consistently better when the co-workers, who are receiving leadership behaviors from the leader, are part of the process. Best of all, by engaging co-workers, the long-term capability of the organization to grow leaders is improved. Trust in leadership increases because of the transparency and timely communication with direct reports.

The graph below rates leadership from Performing Worse (-3) to Elevating Leadership Behavior (+3).

What are you waiting for?

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